
One on One APC coaching

The program is tailored for candidates preparing for the preliminary review and those approaching their upcoming APC sessions. Each coaching session is conducted on a one-on-one basis, allowing personalized interaction between the candidate and the mentor.

APC Preliminary Review

Before submitting your Case Study and Summary of Experience for preliminary review, ensure you receive an independent evaluation. Our experienced assessors, trained in reviewing preliminary submissions, will provide feedback on the content and suggest areas for improvement. This service includes two rounds of review and feedback.

Final submission review

Prior to submitting your Case Study and Summary of Experience for final assessment, it is recommended to obtain an independent review. An experienced assessor, specialized in evaluating preliminary submissions, will review your materials and provide feedback on the content and areas for potential improvement. This service includes two rounds of review and feedback.

Mock interview sessions

To gauge their confidence level, candidates can undergo a mock interview session designed to replicate a formal APC interview. These mock interviews can be conducted with a single assessor or a panel of three assessors, following the same process as a real RICS APC interview. The assessors serving on the mock panel are trained and experienced in APC panels. After the session, the candidate will receive feedback highlighting areas for improvement.

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